Guided tours for schools and children

In the footsteps of Emperor Max

On request, the state-approved guide association GUIDES provides guided tours of the fortress for school and children's goups, even in historic garb if requested.

Children tour

Guided tour per child max. 25 children, EUR 90,00 plus fortress entry
Guided tour per child with robe max. 25 children, EUR 99,00 plus fortress entry

School tour

Guided tour per child max. 25 children, EUR 86,00 plus fortress entry
Guided tour per child with robe max. 25 children, EUR 99,00 plus fortress entry

Good to know

  • Entrance fee to Kufstein Fortress not included!
  • The tour lasts about 75-90 minutes.
  • The fee for the tour has to be paid directly to the guide in cash
  • Subject to changes

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